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Tag: Russia

United States Radio Podcasts Reveals Alleged Instances Of Donald Trump May Have Acted As A Spy And Agent For Russia.

United States Radio Podcasts Reveals Alleged Instances Of Donald Trump May Have Acted As A Spy And Agent For Russia.

June 18, 2023 the audio blog Background Briefing hosted by Ian Masters had Thomas Carl Hartmann , as a guest speaker, revealed that Donald Trump may have been working for the Russian government some of the time with some very bad results.  Both men listed example after example of alleged collusion with Putin and possibly with SVR RF and Trump.  

There are TWO sources for this rather shocking information:

#1). The radio show of June 18, 2023 revealed “Why Did Trump Steal Classified Documents? Maybe Because Putin Told Him To.”

#2). Thomas Hartman wrote “How Much Damage has the Trump-Putin Collusion Inflicted on America?”

Possible and probable outcomes from these alleged past reported scandalous events:

  • Hillary Clinton lost being president in the 2016 presidential election of the United States allegedly from one of Russia & Trump tricks.  She actually had a much higher popular vote count but the flawed electoral college gave the win to Trump.  If the Russia trick was not played upon her, she most definitely would have won.
  • The FBI is the lead agency for exposing, preventing, and investigating intelligence activities, including espionage, in the U.S.  It appears from the information revealed that they are close to holding Trump accountable with the current trial headed with special counsel, Jack Smith.   But, the GOP appears to be protecting Trump for Russia.

  • Much of the information. presented in the blog post has been known so why does it appear that the national press has failed to “see” the apparent links between Donald Trump and Soviet (agent) individuals.
  • It is revealed from within the two blog and website sources listed above that people working for the betterment of this planet may have been killed because they may have been identified as US friendly agents.



Thomas Carl Hartmann has quite a long list of professional accomplishments:


Posted:  6-19-2023

February 14, 2014, A Horrible War Starts.

February 14, 2014, A Horrible War Starts.

Vladimir Putin, the current ruler of Russia, started a war with Ukraine, a neighboring country.  Putin started this war by claiming that Ukraine needed to be demilitarized and de-Nazified.  On the very face of it, this is a stupid lie.

Estimates for how many people have been killed can be found here:  Russian War With Ukraine.

So it appears that a single Russian man with the name Putin, has the following flawed personality traits that makes him one of the worst “humane” beings ever existing on earth.  Here is a partial list describing this awful man:

    • Abhorrent,
    • Deceitful,
    • Dishonest,
    • Disgusting,
    • Crude,
    • Cruel,
    • Criminal,
    • Frightful,
    • Ghastly,
    • Gruesome,
    • Heinous,
    • Hideous,
    • Horrid,
    • Horrendous,
    • Intolerant,
    • Killer,
    • Lousy,
    • Murderer,
    • Selfish,
    • Self-centered,
    • Scandalous,
    • Stupid,
    • Unsophisticated.

It sort of follows that the Russian people carry with them also being responsible for the death of Russian soldiers as well as Ukrainian military and civilians.  This whole situation is wrong and individuals that promote this war  should be despised.



Posted:  4-18-2023

Putin And Russian People Are Responsible For Massive Deaths And Suffering In Ukraine

Putin And Russian People Are Responsible For Massive Deaths And Suffering In Ukraine


Slava Ukraini

Now let me get this straight and correct about the current leader of Russia, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. 

Cockroach Putin has a rather long past history of being a corrupt person.  Some commentators refer to him as being a mafia boss.  He is quite similar to Donald Trump in that both people appear to be incredibly self centered.

Cockroach Putin is a killer and war criminal as shown below.  But, the Russian people allow this alleged cretin scum sucking bag to rule their country.  This does not portray the Russian people as being knowledgeable, concerned, compassionate, and responsible for the actions made in the name of Russia.  Their country appears to be something of a cesspool, devoid of any aspects of humaneness with this current invasion of Ukraine.

It would appear that the Russian people are ultimately to blame for not putting a stop to Putin for past, current and his future crimes.

Here is just a partial list of him being a murderer or participating in murder:

“… in 1999, he almost certainly approved, and perhaps even orchestrated, the bombings of two apartment buildings in Moscow, in which hundreds of innocent Russians lost their lives.”

 “… reignite the Second Chechen War, in which he launched a massive air and land campaign that produced thousands of refugees, reduced much of the Chechen capital Grozny to rubble and killed at least 25,000 civilians.”

“Putin has funded, promoted, supplied and aided and abetted the Russian and pro-Russian terrorists in eastern Ukraine. Thus far, that war has taken 10,000 lives.”

“Putin’s proxies who shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on July 17, 2014, killing 298 innocent people aboard.”

“Russia’s ruthless bombing of Syria’s civilian population”

Alleged mysterious killings attributed to Putin:

      • Alexander Litvinenko 
      • Anna Politkovskaya 
      • Boris Nemtsov 
      • Sergei Magnitsky 
      • Natalia Estemirova 
      • Sergei Yushenkov 
      • Paul Klebnikov
      • Stanislav Markelov
      • Anastasia Baburova

12 opposition leaders from various parts of the former Soviet Union have also been killed in mysterious circumstances in Turkey.”

Russia declared war with Ukraine February 24, 2022.  Military and civilian portions of Ukraine are being attacked.

Statistics for Ukraine:

      • Civilian deaths:  3,393 killed (3-23-2022).  Among the 331 killed were 19 children.  (Measured March 4, 2022)
      • Injured: 675 
      • More than one million people have left Ukraine.

Statistics for Russia:

      • 14,000 soldiers killed (3-23-2022)
      • 1,597 wounded.


Protester marching with posters Support Ukraine Save Peace in Europe. Prostest against Russian agression. Helsinki, Finland, 7.02.2022

Rough total death total attributed to Putin and the Russian people:  73,641. (This number is a low approximation)

The Russian people should punish this alleged criminal, cockroach Putin, to the full extent by removing him from power and placing him on trial.

It would serve Russia and the rest of the world greatly to see cockroach Putin removed from power and even existence, that is if the Russian people feel any ounce of responsibility for the crimes being committed in his name, under his tacit command with no corrective actions taken by the Russian people. 

A Russian entrepreneur who offered a $1 million bounty for the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin says he posted the reward because he wants to solidify Putin’s public image as a war criminal.

There is now even some concern that cockroach Putin just might have a level of dementia due to his current incursion into Ukraine because such an action fails to reward Russia in any way, an utterly stupid attack.

The people of the world should send a message to the Russian people that they are responsible for these despicable actions by allowing their retarded leader to invade and kill Ukrainian people.  It is recommended that we all follow the following actions:

  • Do not support any Russian business.
  • Do not send any aid of any sort to any Russian business, charity or person.
  • Do not talk to any Russian person except to voice your anger and concerns against Putin.
  • Do even more than listed here to show our solidarity with the Ukrainian people and NOT cockroach Putin.



Has Vladimir Putin Always Been Corrupt? And Does it Matter?

Vladimir Putin, war criminal


Posted March 23, 2022

Current Treason Factors In The United States

Current Treason Factors In The United States

What is treason if practiced in the United States today?

The Constitution specifically identifies what constitutes treason against the United States and, importantly, limits the offense of treason to only two types of conduct: (1) “levying war” against the United States; or (2) “adhering to [the] enemies [of the United States], giving them aid and comfort.” 

Some Republicans:

It appears that some Republicans may have committed treason by helping Russia but this is only an act of treason if Russia is considered an enemy.   So far, research only shows that Russia is a rival, not an enemy of the United States.   Thus, the apparent despicable acts of some Republicans should not be considered treasonous.  But, these episodes of some Republicans could be construed as disloyal and may come close to treason.

Mitch McConnell:

McConnel may have committed treason with his decision not to support President Obama’s wish to reveal to the American public CIA reports that Russia was supporting Trump in the 2016 election.

“Republicans were—and are—more concerned with hurting Obama than they were in stopping Russia. In a sense, Republicans as a group colluded with Russia.”

January 6 Insurrection:

“If some of those who attacked the Capitol assembled in order to incapacitate Congress—perhaps even by kidnapping or killing lawmakers—then their actions could be construed as an attempt to overthrow the government, and federal prosecutors could plausibly consider treason charges.”

Donald Trump:

“a treason case against Trump himself might conceivably be built, if prosecutors could establish that he knew in advance that his supporters planned to violently assault the Capitol…”

“No amount of playacting and rationalizing can change the fact that the majority of the Republican Party and its apologists are advocating for the overthrow of an American election and the continued rule of a sociopathic autocrat.”


It seems that the Republican Party has in the past and still is making some profound mistakes that have turned away quite a lot of support.  As a result, the party has had to resort to cheating by changing the voting laws in a lot of states to favor the Republican Party and packing the judicial courts with right wing judges.  The United States is slowly becoming less equal, less democratic, more authoritarian.  



Reader’s Comment follows:


This Nation, this Democracy, is in trouble. The danger and threat to our Constitution is real and comes, not from foreign powers, rather it arises domestically — from within our own borders. Trump themes which are echoed in the Halls of Congress: the 2020 election was a fake; fraud was rampant in the voting; climate change is a hoax; U.S intelligence sources are not to be believed; the “insurrection” on January 6, 2021 was simply a group touring the Capitol.

The Leadership of the Republican Party is guilty of purveying misinformation and lies.

These “lies” have now permeated the psyches of many. Among the consequences: our government is crippled as the Supreme Court fails to support voters’ rights; bills have been filed in a majority of states that aim to reduce non-white voter participation in elections. Meanwhile, the Minority leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell [R – Kentucky], has brought the Congress to a standstill regarding legislation supported by the Democratic majority.

McConnell’s dictatorial behavior has the hallmarks of fascism:

“Fascism refers to a way of organizing society with an emphasis on autocratic government, dictatorial leadership, and the suppression of opposition.” [Merriam-Webster]

McConnell’s efforts to cripple the two most recent, duly elected, Democratic administrations are evident from the following quotes:

“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

“100% of our focus is on stopping this new administration.”

McConnell has prevented debate and votes on the floor of the Senate. He has kept his minions in line with threats to oppose legislation on: voting rights; pay equity; infrastructure updating; climate; a special commission to investigate the January 6 assault on the Capital. This infection of inhibiting and stopping the peoples’ choice for governing this country is spreading including the House of Representatives, e.g., Representative Chip Roy [R-Texas] stated his party [Republican] wants ”18 more months of chaos and inability to get things done.”

It is one matter to speak of a desire to retain and exercise power, utterances which are protected by the First Amendment [Freedom of speech] to the Constitution. That protection ceases when the words are put into ACTION!


“Treason: A betrayal of trust or confidence, a breach of faith, treachery.” [Legal Dictionary]

“Engaging in any act that weakens the might of the United States” is considered “providing aid and comfort” to the nation’s enemies. [18 US Code 2381]

McConnell has forsaken the role of legislator/statesman in an attempt to grasp and retain power for political reasons despite his oath of office to protect the United States “against all enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC” [emphasis added] and at a significant cost to his country’s welfare.

McConnell and McConnellism must GO! File charges; kill the filibuster.

This threat to our democratic system of government must be removed.

Find a way!

(Author of this comment is not revealed which is the policy of this blog)



Post: July 19, 2021
Comment Approved: July 23, 2021
Updated: July 25, 2021
j’accuse comment Approved February 24, 2022

Why Is Trump Eager To Go To War With Iran?

Why Is Trump Eager To Go To War With Iran?

Following are some possible reasons why President Donald Trump may be eager to go to war with Iran.

Trump is fraying nerves inside the Pentagon:

“…there is growing concern among Pentagon officials that Trump will continue trying to use the military as a tool for his own political gain.”

“Pentagon officials have also been unnerved by requests from the White House National Security Council, which continues to ask the Pentagon for options to attack Iran.”

Let’s examine some possible reasons why President Trump might want the United States to declare war with Iran:

#1 It would really help Putin. Why? The Russian economy is pathetic in that it has mainly oil and gas for export and little else. High oil prices would really improve the Russian economy and ensure that Putin who is the chairman of the oligarch class remains in power. A war with Iran would drive up oil prices.

“Military conflict between the United States and Iran would threaten to shut the world’s busiest seaway for oil exports and send crude prices to all-time highs, perhaps even to $200 a barrel, according to one analyst.”

#2 A war with Iran should have at least two positive results for President Trump. First is it would divert attention from the investigation of Trump being a traitor. Then, national wars typically result a nation coming together and stymieing political dissent.

Summary: If the United States goes to war with Iran, it only benefits two individuals and many people die for this. It benefits one of our nation’s enemies, Putin and possibly helps Donald Trump. War also helps weapons manufacturers because they sell more product. But war means people die. War means a country’s infrastructure is damaged. This despicable imbalance of reasoning is criminal.

Further Reading:

How Russia’s Pipeline Politics Holds the EU Hostage

Posted January 17, 2019
Why Does The World Seem To Be Shifting To The Political Right?

Why Does The World Seem To Be Shifting To The Political Right?

Some examples of right shifting:

U.S.A = The Republican Party has split into two separate parties, the old Republican Party and the new far right.

Israel = The vast majority of citizens populate the political right.  The political left is an insignificant minority.

Turkey =  The current ruler, an egoist, is using right wing tactics to hold and expand his power.  He will jail any dissenter but fails to protect his citizens from terrorism.  He seems to use terrorism as a means to point to external threats to enhance his position.

Russia = Putin, the countries current massive ego dictator is using his propaganda machine to control his people much like the former Third Reich in spite of invading countries much less capable of defense or in the case of Syria to project “his” influence.  The population seems to follow and approve Putins play writing like lemmings.  There is no chance of unseating this right wing ruler and anyone who may succeed him will be no different.

The right wing hugging that is going on may be due to the fact that most countries have failed foreign policy.  Promoting a perceived or real threat seems to be a common tactic for getting or maintaining power.   Israel has utterly failed to solve the Palestinian problem.  Russian Putin’s ego necessitates that he be treated as a world leader equal and not regional power.  The United States has a huge middle class population that have been screwed by the rich for centuries.  Turkey has a ruler that is self absorbed to the point of jailing anyone who posts any Internet criticism.  This same ruler seems to refuse to negotiate with the PPK because it serves his needs to have an external threat.